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  • Collection: 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

First Page of the Table of Contents for Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the first page of the table of contents for volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. Approximately a third of the way down the page "CONTENTS OF VOL. II." is printed. Beneath, there is a Zierrat with a simple three-diamond design placed symmetrically. Beneath the Zierrat the chapter listings begin. The chapters are all listed with their corresponding Roman numerals (for this volume). Each chapter title is connected to its corresponding page number by a line of ellipses. The chapters listed include, "Stockings, to which the 'Bas Bleau' was nothing," "Sunday at Ventnor," "Flowers and Thorns," "The bank-note and George Washinton," "A gathering cloud in the spring weather," "The cloud overhead," "This 'working-day world,'" "The Brownie," "Timothy and his master," "Wherein the Black Prince arrives opportunely," "Halcyon days," "'Prodigious,'" "'The clouds return after the rain,'" "One less in the wide, wide world," "Those that were left," "The little spirit that haunted the big house," "The guardian angel," "'Something turns up,'" "The wide world grown wider."

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 14DES_23_003

Second Page of the Table of Contents for Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of the table of contents for volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The number 4 appears in the top left corner of the heading beneath "CONTENTS" which is italicized. Chapters are listed with their corresponding Roman Numerals. The chapters listed include, "How old friends were invested with the Regalia", "thought is free", "Trials without", "Trials within", and "Thou !". the page number appears on the right side of the text block at the end of a line of ellipses connecting the chapter title to the number.

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 14DES_23_004

First Page of Back Advertisements in Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the first page of back advertisements in volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The page begins with the title "Choice Books for Family Reading," in stylistic print. Underneath in smaller font is typed "RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY". Beneath this is "GEO. P. PUTNAM, 10 PARK PLACE" in larger font. A zierrat appears underneath. The books listed are Queechy and The Wide, Wide World, and Dollars and Cents. All are listed as "By the author of "Wide, Wide World.". Kennedy's Horse Shoe Robinson and Swallow Barn, Turkerman's The Optimist, Dickens's Home and Social Philosophy, The World Here and There, and Home Narratives, Bremer's Home; or, Family Cares and Joys, The Neighbors, Miss Cooper's Rural Hours and The Shield. Hays's Fadette, a Domestic Tale, Irving's Complete Works, Book of Hudson, Conquest of Florida. Goldsmith's Complete Works by Prior, Head's Faggot of French Sticks, Hood's Up the Rhine, Whimsicalities, Hood's Own, and Prose and Verse, Deshler's Selections from Chaucer's Works, and Beranger's His Lyrics. 

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 13DES_37_360

Fore Edge of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

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This is the fore edge of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2. The binding on this side of the book is mostly intact except for minor wear on the corner of the book. There is a section of pages that is protruding from the middle of the book. They are not loose from the rest of the text, but still sit further out when the book is closed.

Subjects: Fore Edge

Identifier: 13DES_40

Full Cover of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

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This is the full cover of volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The cover is mostly intact with slight wear on the spine which has opened the dark green of the cover o reveal the paper binding underneath. The Putnam seal is on the front and back of this book and the title "The Wide Wide World" Is stamped in gold on the spine with the number "1" appearing just after the ornament around the title.

Subjects: Full Cover

Identifier: 13DES_01

Head of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

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This is the head of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2. There is some wear on the edges of this book's binding.

Subjects: Head

Identifier: 13DES_41

Tail of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

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This is the tail of volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The green binding of the book has worn in places.

Subjects: Tail

Tags: ,

Identifier: 13DES_42

Verso of Second Page of Front Advertisements in Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the verso of the second page of front advertisements in volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2.

Subjects: Blank

Identifier: 13DES_39_00C

Recto of First Front Flyleaf of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the first front flyleaf of volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. This page shows indication of foxing.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 13DES_07_00D

Verso of First Front Flyleaf of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the verso of the first front flyleaf of volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. There is indication of heavy foxing on this page.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 13DES_07_00E