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  • Collection: 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

Recto of Front Flyleaf of Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the front flyleaf of volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The paper shows evidence of mild foxing.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 14DES_6_00D

Verso of Front Flyleaf of Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the verso of front flyleaf of volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 14DES_7_00E

Title Page to Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the Title Page to Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2. A pencil marking of the previous owner says "Hull" in cursive at the top of the page. Beginning the title page, "THE" is typed alone and in a small font, followed by "WIDE, WIDE WORLD" is typed in bold and larger beneath it. "BY ELIZABETH WETHERELL." follows. Underneath the author appear lines 120-126 of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "To a Child". A sketch of the world with various surnames appears. "VOLUME II." is typed beneath the sketch followed by "SIXTEENTH EDITION." At the bottom, the Publisher and their address are given.

Subjects: Title Page

Identifier: 14DES_18_001A

Colophon for Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the colophon for volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The text on this page appears halfway down the page and gives the publishing information of the book. In the bottom left-hand corner of the text block the printers "Grossman & Son, Printers" are named along with their address.

Subjects: Colophon

Identifier: 14DES_20_002A

First Page of the Table of Contents for Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the first page of the table of contents for volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. Approximately a third of the way down the page "CONTENTS OF VOL. II." is printed. Beneath, there is a Zierrat with a simple three-diamond design placed symmetrically. Beneath the Zierrat the chapter listings begin. The chapters are all listed with their corresponding Roman numerals (for this volume). Each chapter title is connected to its corresponding page number by a line of ellipses. The chapters listed include, "Stockings, to which the 'Bas Bleau' was nothing," "Sunday at Ventnor," "Flowers and Thorns," "The bank-note and George Washinton," "A gathering cloud in the spring weather," "The cloud overhead," "This 'working-day world,'" "The Brownie," "Timothy and his master," "Wherein the Black Prince arrives opportunely," "Halcyon days," "'Prodigious,'" "'The clouds return after the rain,'" "One less in the wide, wide world," "Those that were left," "The little spirit that haunted the big house," "The guardian angel," "'Something turns up,'" "The wide world grown wider."

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 14DES_23_003

Second Page of the Table of Contents for Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of the table of contents for volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The number 4 appears in the top left corner of the heading beneath "CONTENTS" which is italicized. Chapters are listed with their corresponding Roman Numerals. The chapters listed include, "How old friends were invested with the Regalia", "thought is free", "Trials without", "Trials within", and "Thou !". the page number appears on the right side of the text block at the end of a line of ellipses connecting the chapter title to the number.

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 14DES_23_004

First Page of Text in Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the first page of text in volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The title, "THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD." appears approx. 4 cm. down the page in bold. Underneath the title is a Zierrat with a simple line design and three diamonds symmetrically placed. The chapter title does not appear, but "CHAPTER I." is typed underneath the ..... beneath the chapter, are lines 55-58 of Robert Burn's "Tam O' Shanter". Burns name appears in bold after the poem on the page.

Subjects: Ellen, Ellen Chauncey, Christmas Morning

Identifier: 14DES_27_005

Final Page of Text in Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the final page of text in volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The page is 334 with The Wide Wide World typed in Italics as a header. The text of the page goes roughly a third of the length down the page. Halfway between the end of the text and the end of the page is printed "THE END." in bold.

Subjects: Ellen

Identifier: 14DES_45_334

Recto of Back Flyleaf of Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of back flyleaf of Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. This page is blank.

Subjects: Blank

Identifier: 14DES_6_335

Verso of Back Flyleaf of Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the verso of back flyleaf of volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The page is blank. On the succeeding page, however, there is evidence of a potentially missing page of advertisements (See Recto of First Page of Back Advertisements for more details.)

Subjects: Blank

Identifier: 14DES_7_336