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  • Collection: 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1

Fifth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the fifth page of back advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with a header containing the publisher and publication cities. Following a simple zierrat is the title of the page "CABINET EDITIONS OF THE POETS". The works listed are:The Life and Poetical Works of Thomas CampbellCowper's Poetical Works, and Longfellow's Poetical Works. Following another zierrat is the next title section "BOOKS FOR THE FAMILY LIBRARY". These works include: The Christian Missionary, Forester's Life of Sarah B. Judson, The Reverend Hollis Read's The Hand of God in History and The Young Lady's CompanionThe Planetary and Stellar WorldsElijah the Tishbite, Krummacher's Elisha, and Bogatsky's Golden Treasury. The entire page is outlined in a simple boarder with book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717I

Sixth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the sixth page of back advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, version 1. This page begins with a header stating the publisher and publication city, followed by a zierrat which gives way to the title "NEW ILLUSTRATED WORKS". The titles under this are:Romaunt's The Island Home, and Pictures of Travel and Adventure. The next section titled "THE ROYAL JUVENILE LIBRARY" includes: The Swiss Family RobinsonAdventures of Robinson Crusoe, Foster's The Happy Holidays, and History of Sandford and Merton. The last section is marked by a subtitle giving the price of the books. These books are: Sigourney's The Coronal, Beecher's The MayflowerThe Gem, and Bache's Clara's Amusements. The page is outlined in a simple boarder with book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717J

Seventh Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the seventh page of back advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with a header that states the name of the publisher and publication city. Underneath is a simple zierrat which leads to the title of the page "FIRESIDE LIBRARY OF TALES". The books listed here are: Conquest and Self-ConquestPrase and PrincipleGrace ElliotAnnie Donaldson, Forester's Tales for All SeasonsAnna LeeHome Scenes and Lessons in LifeKind Words Awaken Kind EchoesGleanings of Sacred PhilosophyLives of Illustrious MenTales for All ReadersStories from Church History, and Stories of Missionary Enterprise. The entire text is outlined with a simple boarder and a book ornament in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717K

Eighth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the eighth page of back advertisements in the T. Nelson and Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with a header giving the publisher and publication city. A simple zierrat appears underneath giving way to the title which says "ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOR PRESENTS, &c." The titles given are: Forester's Wayside FlowersThe SouvenirThe KeepsakeEvenings at Derley ManorMemorials of Early Genius, and Achievements in the Pursuit of Knowledge, Wilson's Oliver CromwellMemorials of the Dawn of the Reformation in EuropeFrance and her Religious HistoryScenes of Modern Travel and AdventurePerils and Adventures on the Deep, Kendrick and Child's The Gift Book of Biography for Young LadiesScenes fromt he HIstory of the Christian Church, and Incidents of Missionary Enterprise. The text block is outlined with a simple boarder and has a book ornament in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717L

Ninth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the ninth page of back advertisements in the T. Nelson and Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with a header stating the publisher and publication cities. Underneath a simple zierrat appears the title of the page which is simply "LIST OF BOOKS" and then prices given. The titles in this section are:Stories from European HistoryLast Days of Eminent ChristiansNatural History of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, &c.Elijah the Tishbite, Krummacher's Elisha, and Bunyan's Pilgrim Progress. There is a zierrat before the next section titled "DAILY TEXT BOOKS, &c." These titles are: Green PasturesStill WatersThe Christian's Daily Bread, the Reverend James Smith's Daily Bible Readings for the Lord's Household, Reverend W.B. Clark's The Book of Family Worship and Helps to Devotion, and The Congregational Tune-Book. The entire page is outlined in a simple boarder with book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717M

Tenth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the tenth page of back advertisements in the T. Nelson and Sons reprint, version 1. This page begins with a header stating the publisher and publication cities. After a simple zierrat, the title of the page is printed "BOOKS OF TRAVEL, BIOGRAPHY, &c." These titles include:The Arctic Regions, Cheever's The Island World of the PacificWatt's Scripture HistoryThe Young Lady's Friend, Sigourney's The Girls Book and The Boy's BookLongfellow's Poetical WorksStephen's Travels in the Holy LandThe Book of Natural HistoryThe Book of Entertaining and Instructive AnecdoteEvenings at HomeCuriosities and Wonders of Nature and ArtAdventures of Robinson CrusoeHistory of Sandford and MertonFoxe's Book of MartyrsKirke White's Poetical WorksCheever's Memorials of a Youthful Christian, and Life of Benjamin Franklin. The page is outlined with a simple boarder and has book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717N

Eleventh Page of Back Advertisements in the T. Nelson and Sons Reprint, Version 1.


This is the eleventh page of back advertisements in the T. Nelson and Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with a header containing the publisher and city of publication. The title underneath reads "BOOKS OF TRAVEL, BIOGRAPHY, POETRY, & c.". The titles listed are: Cheever's The Whale and its Captors, Biography of Self-Taught MenFamily Pictures from the Bible, Isaac Watts' The World to ComeGoldsmith's Poetical WorksDangers of the DeepScenes of Travel and Adventure in Central AfricaLife of Napoleon and History of France to the Death of Louis Phillipe, Book of Useful and Ornamental Knitting and Netting WorkBook of Crochet WorkMrs. Sigourney's Poetical WorksMilton's Poetical Works, Scott's Poetical Works, and Riverbank. The next section, separated by a subtitle below, includes the titles: Fawcett's Christ Precious, Memoirs of Mrs. Rogers, Young Man's Own Book, Winter Evening Conversations on the Works of God, Todd's Truth Made Simple, and Lectures to Children, The Fireside Companion; A Book of Tales, and Esop's Fables. The entire text is outlined with a simple boarder and a book ornament in each corner.  

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717O

Twelfth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the twelfth page of back advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with a header containing the publisher and publication city. Underneath is the page title "BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG" separated from the header by a simple zierrat. The titles advertised here are: The Great SecretThe CousinsAllen Lucas, Charles LinnThe Golden RuleThe Basket of FlowersLittle Robinson of ParisThe Story Book of Wonders in Nature and ArtThe Boy's Own Book of Stories From HistoryThe Trial of SkillTales for the YoungAnnals of the Poor, and Scripture Illustrated. The next set of titles is smaller separated from the first by a simple zierrat and a subtitle containing the price. These titles are: The Boy Makes the ManStories for GirlsMy Own Story Book about Beasts, and My Own Story Book about Birds. The entire page is outlined in a simple boarder with book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717P

Thirteenth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the thirteenth page of back advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, version 1. This page begins with a header of the publisher and publication city. It is separated, by a simple zierrat, from the first title section of called "ELEGANT GIFT BOOKS". The subtitle gives the price of the titles below which are:The Forget-Me-Not, A Parting Gift, Gift of Love and Friendship, Songs of Home and Happiness, Emblems and Poetry of Flowers, Spring Wild Flowers, The Lady of the Lake, Sir Walter Scott's Marmion, Paul and Virginia and the Exiles of Siberia, Thomson's Seasons and the Castle of Indolence, and Ettrick Shepherd's The Queen's Wake. The net section is separated by a zierrat and titled "Also at 1s. 6d. each, cloth gilt. Morocco extra, 3s. 6d." These titles are: Reverend W.B. Clarke's Asleep in Jesus, Elijah the Tishbite, The Olney Hymns, Bogatsky's Golden Treasure, The Harp of Judah, Annals of the Poor, Todo's Stories and Sketches, and, The Student's Guide. The next section "BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG" contains the titles: Pretty Poems, Barbauld's Stories and Lessons, Pretty Tales, and Robinson Crusoe (in large type). The final section is titled "THE JEWEL GIFT BOOKS". These titles are: The Farewell Gift, The Remembrancer, The Poetry of Flowers, The Keepsake, and The Forget-Me-Not. The entire page is surrounded in a boarder with book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717Q

Fourteenth Page of Back Advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 1


This is the fourteenth page of back advertisements in the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, version 1. The page begins with the publisher and cities as the header. There is a simple zierrat which separates the publisher from the title "HOME LIBRARY FOR LITTLE READERS" Below is the advertisement subtitle: "Price 6d. each, with beautiful gilt cover." The books listed here are: 
Jessie Graham, Blind Alice, Grace and Clara, Florence Arnott, Ellen Leslie, Stories for Little Readers (first and second series), Love Token for Children, A Kiss for a Blow, Little Clara, Sunshine and Shade, Sister Mary's Stories, Story of the Walter Family, The Mother's Story, The Well0Spent Hour, Harry Burne, Ellen carrol, Cousin Clara, Mary Boss, The Little Poetry Book, The Faithful Dog, and, The Play Hour. Underneath this section separated by a Zierrat is the next section "STORIES $c. FOR THE YOUNG". These titles are: The HOme Library, Life of Alfred the Great, Fireside Stories, Juvenile Keepsake, The Home Story Book, and, Todd's Lectures to Children. The final section of this page is titled "ABBOT'S WORKS" and these titles are: The Young Christian, The Child at Home, The Way to do Good, The Fireside, The Mother at Home, Parental Duties, The Teacher, and, Every-Day Duty. The entire page has a decortive boarder with book ornaments in each corner.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 64CIA_37_717R