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  • Collection: [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint

Spine of the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is the spine of the Ward, Lock, and Co.'s 1882 Reprint.

Subjects: Spine

Identifier: 39UVA_4

Tail of the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is the tail of the Ward, Lock, and Co.'s 1882 Reprint.

Subjects: Tail

Identifier: 39UVA_42

Third Page of Front Advertisements in the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


this is the third page of advertisements from the Ward, Lock & Co. 1882 edition. It include a list of "Popular Books By Good Authors"

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 39UVA_37

Title Page to the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint

39UVA_WardLock_[1882]_Title Page_web.jpg

In the title page for Ward, Lock, and Co.'s 1882 edition of the novel, the title is printed in the top quarter of the page followed by a period. The author's pseudonym Elizabeth Wetherell is printed in the page's middle. An inscription taken from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "To a Child," appears in the page's center. Below the inscription is a line attesting to the printing as a complete edition. Ward, Lock, and Co.'s address is listed as "London Warwick House Salisbury Square, E.C."

Subjects: Title Page

Identifier: 39UVA_18