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  • Collection: [1896] The Grand Colosseum Warehouse Co. "Complete Edition" Reprint

Title Page to the [1896] The Grand Colosseum Warehouse Co. "Complete Edition" Reprint


In the title page of Grand Colosseum Warehouse Co.'s 1896 edition of the novel, the title is printed in the page's top quarter followed by a period. The author's pseudonym Elizabeth Wetherell is printed in the page's middle. An inscription is taken from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "To a Child." The novel is listed as a complete edition. Grand Colosseum Warehouse Co.'s address is listed as "60 & 70, Jamaica Street, Glasgow." A side note states the company being founded by a Mr. Walter Wilson in 1869, and that branches in "all the Principal Towns" are located in Scotland.

Subjects: Title Page

Identifier: 65CIA_18