Example Chapter Break of the 1853 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint


“ ' Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

“ ' Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

" ' Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.’”

Long before she had finished, Ellen’s eyes were full, and her heart too. " If I only could feel these words as mamma does !” she said to herself. She did not dare look up till the traces of tears had passed away; then she saw that her mother was asleep. Those first sweet words had fallen like balm upon the sore heart; and mind and body had instantly found rest together.

Ellen breathed the lightest possible kiss upon her forehead, and stole quietly out of the room to her own little bed.


Not all the whispers that the soft winds utter
Speak earthly things—
There mingleth there, sometimes, a gentle flutter
Of angel’s wings.
Amv Lathrop

Sorrow and excitement made Ellen’s eyelids heavy, and s he slept late on the following morning. The great dressing-bell waked her. She started up with a confused notion that something was the matter; there was a weight on her heart that was very strange to it. A moment was enough to bring it all back; and she threw herself again on her pillow, yielding helplessly to the grief she had twice been obliged to control the evening before. Yet love was stronger than grief still, and she was careful to allow no sound to escape her that could reach the ears of her mother, who slept in the next room. Her resolve was firm to grieve her no more with useless expressions of sorrow; to keep it to herself as much as possible. But this very thought, that she must keep it to herself, gave an edge to poor Ellen’s grief, and the convulsive clasp of her little arms round the pillow plainly showed that it needed none.

The breakfast-bell again startled her, and she remembered she must not be too late down stairs, or her mother might inquire and find out the reason. "I will not trouble mother—I will not—I will not,” she resolved to herself as she got out of bed, though the tears fell faster as she said so. Dressing was sad work to Ellen to-day; it went on very heavily. Tears dropped into the water as she stooped her head to the basin; and she hid her face in the towel to cry, instead of making the ordinary use of it. But the usual duties were dragged through at last, and she went to the window. " I’ll not go down till papa is gone,” she thought, " he’ll ask me what is the matter with my eyes.”

Ellen opened the window. The rain was over; the lovely light of a



Nelson, “Example Chapter Break of the 1853 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint,” Wide, Wide World Digital Edition, accessed March 27, 2025, https://widewideworlddigitaledition.siue.edu/items/show/2167.


This is an example chapter break of the 1853 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint. Chapter II starts halfway down on page 12. It is separated from the end of chapter I by a decorative rule. Under Chapter II, there is a portion of an Amy Lathrop poem. The text begins at the bottom third of the page.






Wetherell, Elizabeth [Susan Warner]. The Wide, Wide World. Reprint, London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1853.





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