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  • Collection: [1877] Ward, Lock & Co. "Good Tone Library, Complete Edition" Reprint

Title Page to the [1877] Ward, Lock & Co. "Good Tone Library, Complete Edition" Reprint

28UVA_WardLock_[1878]_Title Page_web.jpg

In the title page for Ward, Lock, and Co.'s 1877 edition of the novel, the title is printed in the top quarter of the page followed by a period. The author's pseudonym Elizabeth Wetherell is printed in the page's middle. Below the pseudonym is a line attesting to the printing as a complete edition. An inscription taken from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "To a Child," appears in the page's center. In addition to the inscription is an image of a paper revealing the publisher's initials draped across a stack of books. Ward, Lock, and Co.'s address is listed as "London Warwick House Dorset Buildings Salisbury Square, E.C."

Subjects: Title Page

Identifier: 28UVA

Four-Color Frontispiece to the [1877] Ward, Lock & Co. "Good Tone Library, Complete Edition" Reprint Depicting Ellen Arriving in Thirlwall


This full color frontispiece, appearing in the [1877] Ward, Lock & Co, "Good Tone Library, Complete Edition" Reprint, depicts Ellen arriving at Thirlwall. In the illustration, Ellen is standing on the steps before the door to the Thirlwall shop, and her luggage rests behind her on the top steps. She is wearing a blue dress and blue shawl, red and white stripped stockings, and a tan hat with white feathers on top. She is clutching her purse in one hand and her other hand is extending towards her face in a worried fashion. She is looking off to the right. An inscription below the illustration reads, "What was to be done next."

Subjects: Arriving in Thirlwall, Ellen

Identifier: 28UVA_16