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  • Collection: [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint

Back Cover of the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is the back cover of complete edition of the 1882 Ward, Lock & Co reprint. It is a faded red cover with a thick border and a bouquet design in the center.

Subjects: Back Cover

Identifier: 39UVA_3

Example Chapter Break of the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is an example chapter break of the 1882 Ward, Lock & Co. edition. Chapter II starts halfway down on page 12. It is separated from the end of chapter I by a decorative rule. Under Chapter II, there is a portion of an Amy Lathrop poem. The text begins at the bottom third of the page.

Subjects: *Subject Other

Identifier: 39UVA_45_12

First Page of Front Advertisements in the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


this is the first page of advertisements from the Ward, Lock & Co. 1882 edition. It include a list of other books from the "Lily Series"

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 39UVA_37

First Page of Text in the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is the first page of text in the 1882 Ward, Lock & Co. edition. there is a decorative bar across the top filled with a floral design. The Wide, Wide World is written in the center of the page, followed by Chapter I. An excerpt from Longfellow's poem, "It Is Not Always May," is above the text.

Subjects: Text Opener

Identifier: 39UVA_27

First Page of the Table of Contents for the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint

39UVA_WardLock_[1882]_Table of Contents1_web.jpg

Ward, Lock & Co. included this Table of Contents in the complete edition of their 1882 edition of The Wide, Wide World. This page is the first page of the Table of Contents for this edition and lists the first 24 chapters

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 39UVA_23

Fore Edge of the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is the fore edge of the 1882 T. Ward, Lock & Co reprint, complete edition. The fore edge is intact.

Subjects: Fore Edge

Identifier: 39UVA_40

Front Cover of the [1882] Ward, Lock, and Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


Ward, Lock, and Co. used this red, cloth-covered binding for an [1882] edition of The Wide, Wide World. The title is placed in front of stamped white lilies. A stamped ribbon is wrapped around the base of the flowers denoting this book is part of "The Lily Series."  The cover also uses black ink stamping on top of the red cloth, forming a border and a background for the white lilies.

Subjects: Front Cover

Identifier: 39UVA_2

Head of the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


This is the head of the Ward, Lock, and Co.'s 1882 Reprint.

Subjects: Head

Identifier: 39UVA_41

Second Page of Front Advertisements in the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


this is the second page of advertisements from the Ward, Lock & Co. 1882 edition. The heading is "Popular Books By Good Authors", below this is the subtitle "The Family Gift Series" followed by the list of books in the set.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 39UVA_37

Second Page of the Table of Contents for the [1882] Ward, Lock & Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint

39UVA_WardLock_[1882]_Table of Contents2_web.jpg

Ward, Lock & Co. included this Table of Contents in the complete edition of their 1882 edition of The Wide, Wide World. This page is the second page of the Table of Contents for this edition and lists the last 27 chapters

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 39UVA_23