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  • Collection: [1893] James Nisbet & Co. Reprint, Version 2

Frontispiece to the [1896] James Nisbet & Co. Reprint Depicting the Letter Carrier's Arrival


This black and white frontispiece is from the 1896 James Nisbet & Co. Reprint. It depicts a scene from page 353, of Ellen meeting Father Swaim out on his horse, receiving a letter from home. The title of illustration says, "A Letter from Home."

Subjects: The Letter Carrier Arriving, Ellen, Father Swaim

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Identifier: 30CIA_14

Head of the [1896] James Nisbet Edition


James Nisbet & Co. used this head for an [1896] edition of The Wide, Wide World.

Identifier: 30CIA_2

Illustration on Page 394a of the [1893] James Nisbet & Co. Reprint Depicting Ellen and The Brownie


This black and white illustration, appearing on page 394a of of the [1893] James Nisbet and Co. reprint, depicts Ellen and The Brownie. Ellen stands next to her horse, The Brownie, her hand on his mane, as she feeds him a handful of grass. The Brownie leans his head down to take the grass from her. The pair stand in an open field as a row of trees extends into the background of the illustration. The foreground is lined with several small ferns and flowers.

Subjects: Ellen, The Brownie

Identifier: 30CIA_33_394a

Illustration on Page 546a of the 1893 James Nisbet, Sampson Low, Hamilton, Adams, & Co. "Author's Edition" Reprint Depicting Edinburgh


This black and white illustration, appearing on page 546a of the [1893] James Nisbet & Co. reprint, depicts Edinburgh from a distance. The illustration first appeared without color in James Nisbet's 1853 Author's Edition (see 9WIS). The caption to the image reads "Edinburgh" with a reference to page 546. The landscape captures the natural beauty of the hilly terrain, while also showing the large edifices and monuments known to that city, such as the Nelson Monument, which spires up into the sky. In the front center of the image are tourists gazing upon old Edinburgh.

Subjects: Edinburgh

Identifier: 30CIA_33_546a