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  • Tags: series binding

Front Cover of the [1892] Ward, Lock, and Co. "Pansy Series" Reprint

Ward Lock and Co 1892 UVa Front Cover.jpg

Ward, Lock, and Co. used this dark green, cloth-covered binding for their 1892 edition of The Wide, Wide World.  The light blue and yellow flowers with black outlined leaves surround the title on the cover.  Below the flowers "The Pansy Series" is stamped in black ink.

Subjects: Front Cover

Identifier: 22UVA_2

Front Cover of the [1882] Ward, Lock, and Co. "Lily Series, Complete Edition" Reprint


Ward, Lock, and Co. used this red, cloth-covered binding for an [1882] edition of The Wide, Wide World. The title is placed in front of stamped white lilies. A stamped ribbon is wrapped around the base of the flowers denoting this book is part of "The Lily Series."  The cover also uses black ink stamping on top of the red cloth, forming a border and a background for the white lilies.

Subjects: Front Cover

Identifier: 39UVA_2

Full Cover of the [1900] Hurst & Co. Reprint


Subjects: Full Cover

Identifier: 7CIA_1

Full Cover of the [1894] William L. Allison Co. "Allison's Standard Library" Reprint

Full Cover of the [1894] William L. Allison Co. "Allison's Standard Library" Reprint

Full Cover of the [1894] William L. Allison Co. "Allison's Standard Library" Reprint.

Cover is in a olive green Rib6 grain has a swirl blind stamp to mark corners and spine.

Back Decorations: same as cover on each

Spine Decorations:
has three thin gilt rules at top, a space, with a second gilt rule, followed by the title, a short gilt rule, and warner, with another rule to break off the border. At tail there is a circular logo for Allison’s Standard Library Mengsagitat Molem

Sewing Stations: 4

Subjects: Full Cover

Identifier: 8CIA_1