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  • Collection: 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2

Recto of First Page of Back Advertisements in Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the first page of front advertisements in volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2.

Subjects: Blank

Identifier: 13DES_38_359

Recto of Front Flyleaf of Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the front flyleaf of volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The paper shows evidence of mild foxing.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 14DES_6_00D

Recto of Second Front Flyleaf with Inscription of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the second front flyleaf of volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. There is an inscription in pencil at the top right corner of the page which says, "H. M. L. Gramey, May 8th: 1856," in cursive handwriting.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 13DES_06_00F

Recto of the First Page of Back Advertisements in Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the first page of back advertisements in volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The page is blank. However, it should be noted that there is a potentially missing page of advertisements here, as evidence of a ripped page sits in the binding between this page and the previous page.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 14DES_38_337

Recto of Third Front Flyleaf of Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the recto of the third front flyleaf of volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 13DES_06_00H

Second Page of Back Advertisements in Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of back advertisements in volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. This page begins with a header saying, "CHOICE BOOKS FOR FAMILY READING". Underneath this title is an underline and then a listing of authors, their works, and the prices. The books listed are: Leigh Hunt's A Book for a Corner, Imagination and Fancy, and Stories from the Italian Poets, Mayo's Romance Dust, The Berber, and Kaloolah, Kimball's St. Leger; or, the Threads of Life, Lamb's Essays of Elia, and Specimens of the English Dramatists, Myers's The King of the Hurons, and First of the Knickerbockers, Keats's Literary Remains and Life, and Poetical Works, Hewitt's Memorial of Genius and ... [illegible due to damage], Fairfax's Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, Sedgwick's Clarence, and Redwood, Kirkland's Spencer and the Faery Queen, Foque's Undine, a Tale, and Sintram, Gilman's The Sybil; or, New Oracles from the Poets, Goodrich's Poems (illustrated), Hawthorne's Mosses from an old Manse, Howitt's Ballads and other Poems, Lynch's Poems (illustrated), Montagu's Selections from taylor,... [illegible due to damage], Peacock's Headlong Hall, &c. Hervey's Book of Christmas, Cooper's Choice Works, and Clarke's ... [illegible due to damage] Gift Book. 

Identifier: 13DES_37_361

Second Page of Back Advertisements in Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of back advertisements in volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. The books advertised on this page include: Up the Rhine, Roughing it in the Bush, An African Cruiser, Sicily, Head's Journey across the Pampas, Hood's National Tales: Tylney Hell; Micellanies, Osborn's Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal, Leigh Hunt's Romances of Real Life, Reach's Railway Note Book, Kohl's St. Petersburgh, Douglas Jerrold's Miscellanies, Thackeray's Miscellanies, and Musical Anecdotes.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 14DES_37_339

Second Page of Front Advertisements in Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of the front advertisements in volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 2. This page begins with a header which says "PUTNAM'S LATEST PUBLICATIONS". The header is divided from the list of books by an underline. the list of books on this page are, Hunt's A Book for a Corner and Romances of Real Life, Blackwell's Physical Training of Girls, Dickens's The World in its Workshops, Home and Social Philosophy, and, Home Narratives, Jerrold's Miscellanies, 
Wetherell's Queechy and The Wide, Wide World, Head's A Faggot of French Sticks, Saunders's Memories of the Great Metropolis,  Reach's Claret and Olives: or a trip through the South of France and Hand-Book of Familiar Quotations from English Authors, Cooper's A Posthumous Work, The Towns of Manhattan, and, Fine Portrait of J. Fenimore Cooper, Thackeray's Trip to the Mediterranean, Smith's Book of Table Talk, Knight's The best Story Tellers, Vizetelly's Readable Books and Musical anecdotes, Gilbart's Practical Treatise on Banking, The Merchants' and Bankers' Almanack, and Miseries of Human Life, Tuckerman's Book of Characters and The Optimist, Chambers's Papers for the People, Irving's Fine Portrait of Washington Irving, Bryant's Fine Portrait of W. C. Bryant, and Putnam's Semi-monthly Library of Original Copyright and Standard Works and The Homes of American Genius. 

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 13DES_37_00B

Second Page of Front Advertisements in Volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of front advertisements in volume 2 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2. This page of advertisements begins with a header of "PUTNAM'S BOOKS OF THE SEASON." and underlined. Above each of the succeeding titles are the Roman Numerals "II." and "III." respectiveley. The page includes extended advertisements for The Wide, Wide World by Elizabeth Wetherell, and Dollars and Cents by Amy Lothrop. There appears to be foxing on the page as well.

Subjects: Advertisement

Identifier: 14DES_37_00B

Second Page of the Table of Contents for Volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th Edition, Version 2


This is the second page of the table of contents for volume 1 of the 1852 George P. Putnam 16th edition, version 1. The chapters included on this page are, "Headsick and heartsick," "Footsteps of angels," "Shows how Mr. Van Brunt could be sharp upon some things," "How Miss Fortune went out and Pleasure came in," "Sweeping and dusting," "Showing what noise a bee can make when it gets into the house," "Sundry things round a pot of chocolate," "The jingling of sleigh-bells," and "Scraps-of Morocco and talk." Each chapter is given its corresponding Roman numeral to the left of it. The page the chapter begins on is printed at the right side of the page, separated from the title by a line of ellipsis.

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 13DES_23_00M