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  • Collection: 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2

Title Page to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


In the title page for T. Nelson & Sons' 1852 edition of the novel, the text is enclosed within a larger border. The title is printed in the top quarter of the page followed by a period. The author's pseudonym Elizabeth Wetherell is printed in the page's middle. An inscription taken from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "To a Child," appears between two decorative rules. T. Nelson and Sons' address is listed as "London Paternoster Row and Edinburgh."

Subjects: Title Page

Identifier: 48CIA_18

First Page of the Table of Contents for the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the first page of the table of contents for the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The contents include Chapters I through XXIV, pages 7 through 206. The page, with tears along the top center, shows evidence of foxing.

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 48CIA_23

Second Page of the Table of Contents for the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the second page of the table of contents for the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The contents include Chapters XXV through LII, pages 318 through 701. The page, torn at the top center, shows evidence of foxing.

Subjects: Table of Contents

Identifier: 48CIA_23

Recto of Frontispiece to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the recto of the frontispiece to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The page shows evidence of foxing.

Subjects: Blank

Identifier: 48CIA_15

Frontispiece to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2, Depicting the Brook


This black and white frontispiece from the 1852 Nelson&Sons Reprint, depicts Nancy standing by some foliage in the Brook. Three oxen graze on the other side, two dark and one white. At the far back of the Brook is a field, that is occupied by a herd of sheep and a scarecrow, and far in the background is a white house.

Subjects: The Brook, Nancy

Tags: , , ,

Identifier: 48CIA_14

Recto of Tissue Preceding the Title Page Vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the recto of the tissue preceding the title page vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The tissue is white in color, smaller than page size, and crinkled near the spine.

Subjects: Tissue

Identifier: 48CIA_31

Verso of Tissue Preceding the Title Page Vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the verso of the tissue preceding the title page vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The tissue is white in color, smaller than the page size, and crinkled near the spine.

Subjects: Tissue

Identifier: 48CIA_32

Title Page Vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2 Depicting Ellen Riding the Brownie


This black and white illustration, appearing as the title page vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons reprint, depicts Ellen riding The Brownie. A caption below the illustration quotes a passage from page 481 of the novel. In the illustration, Ellen sits atop The Brownie as he leaps into the air. Both Ellen and The Brownie look back as if at the viewer of the illustration as they ride in the opposite direction along a path flanked by foliage. A small figure can be seen on the left side of the image in the background, as well as a small white structure that emerges from the top of the tree line. The sense of movement invoked by the position of The Brownie is contrasted by the stillness of the landscape that extends behind Ellen.

Subjects: Ellen, The Brownie

Identifier: 48CIA_16

Verso of Title Page Vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the verso of the title page vignette to the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The page shows evidence of foxing.

Subjects: Blank

Identifier: 48CIA_17

Verso of Second Front Flyleaf of the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2


This is the verso of the second front flyleaf of the 1852 T. Nelson & Sons Reprint, Version 2. The page shows evidence of foxing.

Subjects: Endpapers

Identifier: 48CIA_7