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  • Collection: 1887 James Nisbet & Co. "New ed. Golden Ladder Series" Reprint

Illustration on Page 118a of the 1887 James Nisbet & Co. "Golden Ladder Series, New Edition" Reprint Depicting Ellen Finding Nancy at the Brook


This color illustration, appearing on page 118a of the 1887 James Nisbet & Co. Golden Ladder Series reprint, depicts Nancy finding Ellen at the brook. Ellen, wearing a red dress that stands out against the green field behind her, sits next to the water with her hands in her lap as Nancy stands behind Ellen looking down at her. A line of trees extends across the background of the illustration and several bushes surround Ellen and Nancy. A caption below the illustration reads "The Charmed Spot," reflecting the gentleness and stillness conveyed in the illustration as Ellen sits quietly by the brook.

Subjects: The Brook, Ellen, Nancy

Identifier: 4DES_18_118a

Illustration of on Page 254a of the 1887 James Nisbet & Co. "Golden Ladder Series, New Edition" Reprint Depicting Ellen Reading to Grandma


This 4-colored illustration from page 254a of the 1887 James Nisbet & Co. "Golden Ladder Series, New Edition" Reprint. The image depicts Ellen reading to her Grandma in the kitchen, but the shadowed stairs. Ellen is dressed in blue with a red petticoat. Grandma is wearing blue and red, as well as a white apron. Grandma knits, smiling, as Ellen reads aloud "The Joyful News".

Subjects: Reading, Ellen, Grandma

Identifier: 4DES_33_254a