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  • Collection: 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint

Copyright Page of the 1853 G. P. Putnam, Vol. 1, Issue 2


George Palmer Putnam used this as the copyright page of the 1853 second issue containing both volumes in one book. This page shows that this book was "entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, BY G. P. PUTNAM & Co., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York." It also credits the stereotyper and printer of the book.

Identifier: 11CIA_13_4

Title Page to the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. Illustrated Edition Reprint


George Palmer Putnam used this title page for the completed works in one volume of the 1853 edition of The Wide, Wide World. This title page features the name of the novel, author, and publisher. This edition used Susan Warner's pen name Elizabeth Wetherell.  It contains the epigraph:

"Here at the portal thou dost stand,

      And with thy little hand

Though openest the mysterious gate,

      Into the future's undiscovered land

      I see its valves expand,

As at the touch of FATE!

Into those realms of Love and Hate.


Subjects: Title Page

Identifier: 11CIA_18

First Page of the Table of Contents for Volume 2 of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint


George Palmer Putnam included this Table of Contents in the second volume of their 1851 edition of The Wide, Wide World. This page is the first page of the Table of Contents for this edition and lists the first 24 chapters with the corresponding titles and page numbers.

Identifier: 11CIA_15_6

First Page of Text in Volume 1 of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint


This first page of text from the 1853 George Palmer Putnam, Vol. 1 includes the epigraph:

"Enjoy the spring of love and youth

    To some good angel leave the rest,

For time will teach thee soon the truth,

    'There are no birds in last year's nest.'


Identifier: 11CIA_16_9

Illustration on Page 58c of Volume 1 of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint Depicting the Old Gentleman Confronting Mr. Saunders at the Shop Counter


Subjects: The Old Gentleman Confronting Mr. Saunders, Shopping, Ellen, Old Gentleman, Mr. Saunders

Identifier: 11CIA_33_58c

Illustration on Page 126c of Volume 1 of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint Depicting Ellen at the Spout


This black and white illustration appearing on page 126c of volume one of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. Illustrated Edition reprint, depicts Ellen at the spout. In the illustration, Ellen is wearing a white dress with a black vest. She is leaning over the overflowing water basin and running her hands under the water coming from the spout.

Subjects: The Spout, Ellen

Identifier: 11CIA_33_126c

Illustration on Page 186d of Volume 2 of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint, Depicting Ellen Grieving at Alice's Deathbed


This black and white illustration appearing on Page 186d of Volume Two of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. Illustrated Edition Reprint, depicts Ellen grieving at Alice's deathbed. In the illustration, Alice is lying on her deathbed in white with flowers behind her shoulders and on her stomach. Ellen, dressed in black is kneeling at her bedside, one hand on her forehead in grief and flowers lay beside her on the floor. Margery is seen in the background, cast in shadow with her hands over her face. The scene depicted in this illustration appears on page 186 of the novel.

Subjects: Alice’s Deathbed, Ellen, Alice, Margery

Identifier: 11CIA_33_186d

Illustration on Page 82d of Volume 1 of the 1853 G.P. Putnam & Co. "Illustrated Edition" Reprint Depicting Ellen and George Marshman Aboard the Steamboat


This black and white illustration, appearing on page 82d of volume 1 of the 1853 G. P. Putnam & Company Illustrated Edition reprint, depicts Ellen and George Marshman on the steamboat as Ellen begins her journey to her Aunt Fortune's house. In the illustration, Ellen sits on a long bench with her hands in her lap, looking down sadly at the steamboat's deck. George Marshman stands nearby, looking down at her as he leans on a cane. Small waves rise in the water next to the steamboat and two men stand near the other end of the bench, appearing to have a conversation. Ellen's hat sits at her feet and a leather chair is placed behind the bench.

Subjects: The Steamboat, Ellen, George Marshman

Identifier: 11CIA_33_82d